Zinc Sulphate in Fertilizers
Zinc Sulphate
- Zinc importance in plant nutrition is recognised after the introduction of high yielding varieties.
- Zinc deficiency caused by intensive cropping.
- 80% of rice land deficient in zinc.
- After N and P zinc playing important role in rice.
Role in Plant System
- Producing several enzymes
- Responsible for chlorophyll formation.
- Deficiency reduce photosynthetic activity.
- Playing a role in N – metabolism.
- Regulate auxin (hormone) production
- Promotes nucleic acid production for protein synthesis
Deficiency Symptoms
- Appearance of rusty brown spots and discoloration of older leaves starting from 2-3 weeks after planting.
- Uneven crop stand.
- Under acute conditions margins of older leaves dry up.
- Under acute conditions margins of older leaves dry up.
- Tillering and growth adversely affected (KHAIRA disease)
- Fresh leaves smaller in size.
- No uniform maturity of crop
- Zinc sulphate – Zn SO4 7H2O (21%Zn)
- ZnSO4 H2O (33% Zn)